In general, I think Baby Showers are a lot of fun. There's good food, sweet decorations, a gorgeous glowing Momma-to-be, and let's not forget those party games! However, one of my new favorite things is Co-Ed Baby Showers! I love that everything came together so perfectly for Vanessa and Brian's shower. There was nothing but joy as they celebrate becoming parents for the second time!
These details were delicate and adorable!
Finley was definitely an active participant in his shower! I think it's funny how at this stage you can just see how hard they are kicking!
First party game! All the name tags were the guest's baby photos! Can you spot mine?!
Just a little Daddy/Daughter time!
The cupcakes were a hit for Bella!
Second party game! If you say "Baby" you lose your clothespin! These competitive guys were making a sweep!
Third fun game! Everyone passes around yarn and takes a guess at how big that belly actually is!
These party guests were just the cutest!
Last Game! Melted candy bars in diapers, gotta guess which one it is!
Bella and her friends had an entire playground to themselves and they were having a blast!
I was so excited to be apart of this special moment in my friend's lives! It's pretty awesome being a photographer and watching people fall in love and families grow. It really is the best!